Nurikabe puzzle 22 - Medium Nurikabe 7x7

Posted on March 2, 2015

Scientists have shown that solving logic puzzles is really good for your brain. Today we have another brain teaser for you. Enjoy today's Nurikabe puzzle.

Nurikabe puzzle 22 - Medium Nurikabe 7x7

How to play Nurikabe: The goal of Nurikabe is to determine whether each of the cells of the grid is “black” or “white” according to the following rules: * All of the black cells must be connected. * Each numbered cell must be part of a white island of connected white cells. * Each island must have the same number of white cells as the number it contains (including the numbered cell). * Two islands may not be connected horizontally or vertically. * There cannot be any 2 x 2 blocks of black cells.

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